SPL Cell Floater Dish (Ultra Low Attachment)

SKU: 26100 Category:


SPL3D™ Cell Floater is a culture vessel that provides an optimized environment for 3D cell culture. The culture vessel, which is effective for the formation of spheroids of animal cells, does not require any special incubation techniques, and thus 3D cell culture can easily be implemented in the same way as conventional 2D culture.


Cat. No. Material Type/Style External Dimension
Internal/Well Dimension
Growth Area
Working Volume
External Grip Packaging
26035 PS 35.00 x 10.00 35.00 x 9.60 9.4 3 + 5/20
26060 PS 60.00 x 15.00 52.80 x 12.80 21.5 5 + 5/20
26100 PS 90.00 x 15.00 85.73 x 12.60 57.5 12.5 5/10

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SPL Cell Floater Dish (Ultra Low Attachment)